Private & Personal Artificial Intelligence HumanCentric AI

The foundational elements required to support Human Centric AI have been developed over many decades, with the vast majority of the tools required to produce HumanCentricAI products and Services now defined by Open, Royalty Free Technology Standards. This was an essential step to provide the ability to produce HumanCentricAI Tech.

Image from Freepik

Financial Models

Whilst there are many different business and financial models that could be appropriately applied, the three models that are sought to be employed by Web Civics and related entities, are as follows.


In-order to get the basics in place, funding is required.  These works have been provided support by many since 2010.  One way or another the funding requirements will continue until there are operational examples functionally set-up and deployed.

Project Models

Once the basics have been established, Human Centric AI Platforms provide support for Project Based Accounting. What this means is that collaborators are able to contribute towards projects and be fairly compensated as a consequence of their contributions becoming usefully employed by others across the Internet.

Commercial Use

It is expected that the development of this technology will lead to various opportunities for Suppliers, Providers, Developers and others to produce solutions that are custom designed for specific customer requirements. HumanCentricAI becoming a foundational part of the solutions they can provide.

standing for human rights

Ending Digital Slavery

It is imperative that the works that are undertaken make practical and tangible steps from the outset, to address the endemic problem of Digital Slavery which is one of the many #ScumbagTech #ScumbagEconomic tools and/or weapons used, against people who are actively seeking to do good things; for themselves and others, in various places throughout our communities.  These works, if successful, should reasonably ensure that all persons involved in producing useful works to accumplish meaningfully important goals are fairly compensated - not made to fund (resource) the 'free' work said by users to be demanded of them; nor should work be closed-source and/or subject to royalties in ​perpetuity.  
Whilst the first step to ending Digital Slavery requires us to build the tools that we need to be supported to be furnished the basics required to maintain a meaningful relationship with values based concepts such as those described by Human Rights instruments; once this is achieved, the next most important step, is to produce a work-platform and to ensure that the systems do support currencies; to better reflect, that the use of technology is not free; our time is not free, the cost of connectivity and technology devices is not free; and we are not the property of the things that seek to consume us via foreign ideologies that do not support the basic needs of our human family.  These works, are not 'too hard' technically, to achieve.  It is important to consider why it is, that these sorts of works still now in 2023 need so much more done, to bring about solutions, alternatives to better support our basic needs.