Our Values

Web Civics and the Human Centric AI project is a Community of Practice values based activity.  The Values Credentials we make best efforts to support are provided below.

Values Credentials Instruments

Web Civics has been established in Australia and is proud to support the values outlined by the Charter of the Commonwealth.  Additional statements outlining the basis upon which we seek to forge the means for people to independently form agreements with one-another as to stipulate their personal commitments in their relationships  are guided by the values that are defined and described by instruments such as those outlined below.  To see the text of any of the below instruments; click the link...

If you believe, there is an important instrument that is not now listed, please let us know.

As an initiative founded by an Australian, We support The Charter of the Commonwealth

International HumanRights values.

We aim to produce material means to support the Sustainable Development Goals in a manner that is consistant with the principals otherwise outlined above.

Professional Charters